Friday, January 12, 2007


Writing to you from the Annex, where a few of us (Karl Franke, Hans Mölders, Amy Cameron, and I) are hanging out after the majority of the art viewers have come and gone. I had a wonderful time speaking with a woman by name of Céline (of France), and sold a couple of copies of Stuck in a Rut to some Scandinavian sorts. Our show was very nice, pretty much 2-D art, whereas McMurdo's show was mostly sculpture. Very fun show. Had to shout over the kids playing with Photo Booth (distored faces, weird colors, etc. on photos from the in-built camera on the computer here at the Annex (a Mac, of course).

1 comment:

Gregg Jocoy said...


The national party has set up a page where Greens can give to the national party, and a donnor will match it at 1 to 2. That is, a $50 donation nets the national party $75.

Care to participate in a blog swarm to try to gather in all the available cash? Drop me a line at if you would please. Thanks!