Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Extra! Extra! special kids' edition!

Lunchtime, and I brought yoghurt to work. Yum!

So: I will be publishing a special kids' edition of The Ester Republic (it'll come out at the end of August) that will be written and illustrated entirely by kids age four through fifteen. Or at least, I hope I will (it'll depend on if I get enough submissions). This will be in addition to the regular run of the Republic. I've already talked to our local scoutmasters (Troop 92) about maybe getting a boy scout to write up something on the history of scouting in Ester; I'm hoping that some of our talented young photographers will submit images. And I know there's a bunch of good cartoonists in the vicinity.

Of course, I'm hoping that kids in Ester will rise to the challenge, but kids anywhere in the Tanana Valley are welcome to contribute, or kids formerly of Ester and living elsewhere.

1 comment:

Darrow said...

What a great idea!