Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Printing experiment

Well, the cover of the new edition of the Republic didn't turn out quite as well as I'd hoped; probably should have gone with the pallette knife filter instead--but oh, well, too late now. Interior Graphics is a tiny little shop, and it smells like a real printshop: like ink. They don't use Xerox machines, some other make instead, and it prints slightly differently, with a warmer tone. Some things seemed the same in print quality, others a bit softer than I liked, and some came out nicer-looking than the Docutech's results. The proof is darker than I'm used to, so I'll have to watch that in setting up the file, but nothing looked washed out, which sometimes happens with the Doc. We'll try it for a year, which ought to be long enough to know for sure. If it isn't good, I'll go back to DateLine. In the meantime, I can finish paying down my account there and they will get a lot of my galley-printing business.

This morning Hans and I picked up the galleys of Mired in the Health Care Morass from DateLine; ten Advance Reader's copies, with a Marketing Campaign box on the back. Which means, I suppose, that I have a marketing campaign!

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