Monday, August 11, 2008

Another person joins the ranks of the Loony-Binned

Jenny Neyman, of Soldotna, has gone for the gold and started a newspaper ("dead-tree journalism", as Kodiak Konfidential puts it -- I like that description, Ishmael), the Redoubt Reporter, an independent community paper that looks to be off to a fine start. Good for you, Ms. Neyman! Jenny is continuing a fine and much-needed tradition, and I'm glad to see another woman and another independent paper in the business.

She's under no illusions about what she's gotten herself into, however, and she's gone into it with both feet—not even a part-time bill-paying backup job like I've got to support her.

Truly loony, indeed. And I know about loony--just doing it part time (har!) the way I do is nutty enough. Here I am, up in the middle of the night, avoiding writing my editorial (to-printer date first thing tomorrow), and actually welcoming this poor benighted woman to the grueling mess she's gotten herself into. Run! Flee! Go get your old job back! oh, wait--it's already too late--you've gone and done it.

Well, have fun, because it's a blast. But you won't get much sleep.

1 comment:

Ishmael said...

I'm very proud of Jenny tackling this project. She loves journalism and does it well -- just look up the truck load of Alaska Press Club awards she's compiled over the years.