Sunday, April 09, 2006

Insurgents and press people

Well! We're back from the Alaska Press Club conference and a mini-vacation in Anchorage. We stayed with Aaron Selbig and Nova Stubbs of Insurgent49, who graciously lent us their very comfortable couch and hosted us while we were there. We had an excellent time. It was so GOOD to be hanging out with fellow alternative press people. Aaron came up here in December for the Grassroots Gathering and stayed on our couch for the duration, so he returned the favor.

We only ended up going to one workshop, on reporting on gays & politics, which was very good but had only a few people attending. There was another workshop simultaneous with it that drew a lot of people, but I was still surprised by how few reporters were in this session. Actually, the whole conference was fairly small this year in comparison with the previous years I've attended. I think that pre-announcing some of the categories was responsible for this--it might be better if they saved the first place announcements in all categories for the banquet, and 2nd & 3rd place for pre-announcing.

I feel wonderfully detached from all the vexing things I left behind here in Ester; I am refreshed, and ready to do more.

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