Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Solstice/Xmas/New Year hoo-roar

Hoo-boy. It's that time of year again, three days before Christmas, one day before Solstice, and I'm realizing belatedly that the Holiday Season Is Upon Us. I haven't done diddly about getting goodies for people, but today's office Christmas party and White Elephant Exchange has suddenly and forcibly made me realize that This Is It!

Wonder if I can get those Christmas cards ready and mailed in time....


Cathrina said...

welcome to the holidays..whats the plan for new year??

Unknown said...

I started my Christmas cards a month ago, under the delusion that they might actually get out in time. I've blamed their tardiness on the move, and I've completely stopped trying. Now I'm shooting for February. When's the Chinese New Year...?