Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ester bus line redux

Well, turnout at the bus meeting last Saturday was, in a word, disappointing. I talked to about 20 people before and after, all of whom were excited about the idea of a bus out here but a bit skeptical that we'd get one that would work (almost everyone mentioned the debacle of last time they tried this). Most had forgotten about it, or had other stuff to do, or weren't feeling well, like me.

I ran into Ken Woods at the Eagle last night, who had gone to it. Tylan Martin, the instigator for this, told me that only eight people showed up (which isn't really bad for around here, actually). So now he's distributing a survey to get more information. The borough won't do anything unless they have more response from the public, so if you want a bus line out here, LET THEM KNOW. You can get the surveys from Tylan Martin, and there will be a stack of them at the Eagle and the post office. If there's enough interest, Ken told me, then the borough will do its own, more comprehensive, survey, sending them out to everybody within a quarter-mile of the proposed route. But if they don't hear from enough people initially, then it's dead in the water.

You can send surveys to:

Tylan Martin
4463 Dartmouth Rd.
Fairbanks, AK 99709

or to

David N. Leone
Transportation Manager
Fairbanks North Star Borough
3175 Peger Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709

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